Artist Bio

VANX.G (SHE/HER) is a Brazilian multi-platform artist working with illustration (Digital Painting, Vector Illustration, Watercolor, Guache, Acrylic, Nanquim Ink Art) and animation/motion design.  
Born in 1984 in São Paulo, Brazil, VANX.G (a.k.a Vanessa Gallizia Gasparini Caburlão) received a Bachelor of Architecture and Urban Design from Anhembi Morumbi University(2006), a Diploma in Motion Design from Méliès Faculdade Criativa (2018) and since 2020 has been exploring Modern Motion Design Techniques in online courses at Motion Design School (New York). 
For nine consecutive years (2010-2019), VANX worked for Brazilian Public Television  Network "TV Cultura" as a resident artist and set designer, working on various projects, including APCA Awarded Best Kids TV Show "Quintal da Cultura" (2014). 
In 2017, VANX started a Creative Laboratory, Triadelab, where she currently collaborates on multiple projects with artists and creators - in film, music, streaming, and social media - and performs as an Art Director and Animator for commercial brands developing personalized visuals and brand identity. Client lists include the Coca-Cola Company, Samsung, Geração Y, Digital Social, and AVON.

Artist Statement

Everything is cosmic, and all there is can be found in this celestial energy, the unity of all.
Nature creations obey geometric patterns, and that has always fascinated me. I started my career as an architect, and while studying natural forms, I fell into the realm of sacred geometry, where true beauty lies in a fractal shape that replicates itself indefinitely.
We are not isolated beings, and there are infinite ways in which nature and life can present themselves. Ways in which one may never be capable of understanding or even having a glimpse from this eternal and ethereal source of creative power.
As an artist, I have created art compositions by getting inspired through observing nature patterns. 
I may say that my art is a co-creation with the cosmic, of multiple universes, via my imagination.
And I question: do imagined images exist in nature? Or do we, therefore, devise and create its reality?
Does art come from inspiration? Or, like an egg broken by inside force,  life and art arise from the inner soul of a being? And this leaves me to be a microcosm broken by an inside force.
The practice of bringing all these intangible images to life has been my soul’s deep wish and the purpose of my existence.
Creating sketches and working with colors is my way of bringing different perspectives and elaborating on limitless possibilities and understandings of reality; through creating enchanting, witty, and ludic multiple worlds while posing my ideas and contributing to a more sustainable and connected to nature, high vibrating psychosphere, an abundant and infinite source of creation and creative power. 

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